Social distancing

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There's no other way to put it: these are some wild times.

With the ongoing global health situation changing, seemingly, by the minute, I haven't felt much like creating content to post on my blog or social channels. I think I've honestly gone to post these three photos — featuring these fabulous boots from the Tezza x Aldo collection — to Instagram three or four times over the past few days and have struggled to hit 'share' because I, quite simply, don't know what to say.

These are such challenging and unprecedented times. I think many of us can say that we've never lived through anything like this in our lives up to this point. And, it's scary.

But, we must stay informed (via reputable sources!). Be empathetic. Listen to the provincial and federal health mandates. Embrace the idea of 'social distancing'. And trust that, together, we can make it through this.

For the foreseeable future, I will be sticking close to home. No social dinners. No weekend getaways. And, far fewer outfit photos snapped, well, pretty much anywhere other than my house. Because, now's not the time for that.

Now is the time to stay put, to look after ourselves (and others!) and to hope that, with diligent actions adopted by all, we can help the hardworking healthcare workers get ahead of this seemingly impossible novel coronavirus curve. Then maybe, just maybe, life can return to what it was before.