5 ways Peloton has changed my fitness routine

5 reasons Peloton has changed my fitness routine

I don't usually post about fitness — I'm no expert, and I believe everyone's wellness road is unique — but I wanted to weigh in on my personal Peloton experience.

To summarize it in two words: I'm obsessed. 

I was recently given the opportunity to try out a Peloton Exercise Bike. I was neither paid for this post nor asked to write a review. I have simply enjoyed my time with the bike and programs so much, that I wanted to share my thoughts.

5 reasons Peloton has changed my fitness routine

I've been using the Peloton bike for nearly two months now. In that time, I've logged more than 45 rides or workouts. I used to do spin classes in college but, since living in the suburbs without easy access to a SoulCycle or other type of riding class, I have to admit that it had been a while since I'd been bake on a stationary bike.

But I'm happy to report that riding a stationary fitness bike is much like, well, riding any other bike in that — as soon as you jump back on one it's pretty quick to get back into the spin of things.

So, without further ado, here are five reasons I'm loving this bike ...

1. It's super convenient. I commute long hours to and from work. So, the last thing I really want to do, no matter how motivated I am to get moving, is to drive to a gym. Having the Peloton at my house has meant that I'm working out much more frequently — without any excuses.

2. It's customizable. Some days I have 30 minutes to work out. Others I have an hour. And some days, well, I really only have about 10 minutes. The spin classes available through the app allow me to search for and choose classes based on length of time. So, I can get a nice climb ride or low-impact option no matter how much (or little) time I have.

3. It keeps things fresh. The classes that are available through the app are awesome. I've enjoyed the diversity of the playlists and the different types of classes. And having them all in one place means it's easy to mix things up. So far, I've tried weight training, stretching, ab workouts and spin. I've yet to check off some of the other classes like yoga, bootcamp or meditation. (Note to self: must try meditation!)

4. There's an instructor for everyone. I wasn't sure how I would like the personalities on Peloton. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I feel like fitness is personal ... and that includes how you like to be instructed. I don't like being yelled at in a class. I like energy and motivation, sure, but I don't need someone getting in my face (not even on a screen). Thankfully, I've enjoyed most of the instructors whose classes that I've taken — shout out to three of my favourites, Kendall Toole, Robin Arzon and Sam Yo.

5. It's much easier to hold myself accountable. I'm a goal-oriented person. And I like seeing results. So I can really appreciate how easy it is to track my results, workouts, goals and the rest, right on the bike screen. Plus, when I get and give high fives to other riders, it's a pretty nice motivation, too.

If you have any thoughts or questions about Peloton bikes, feel free to leave a comment below or shoot me an email and I'd be happy to lend my thoughts.

— Shop a few of my current fitness favourites —