Conair Infinity Pro The Ultimate Brush ionic hairbrush: A quick review

Conair Infinity Pro The Ultimate Brush ionic hairbrush: A quick review

What is it: A battery-powered hairbrush that emits an ion stream to smooth and de-static strands, leaving strands free of frizz without the use of hot tools.

Beauty bonus: Thinking ahead to sweater and scarf season, this brush could be just the trick to banish serious static head. #Canadianproblems :P

Beauty bummer: The delicate ion emitter is exposed to potential damage from other items in our hairbrush drawer, so store with caution.

Overall: This product was certainly intriguing — yet it seemed like a gimmick that would in no way deliver.

It definitely surprised us with its performance!

When compared to a regular brush, hair was way smoother and less frizzy post-use.

Was it a miracle frizz tamer? Not quite. But did it leave us with post-brush poof? Not at all.

It left tresses feeling much less static-y and slightly more shiny —  no product or heat needed. Pretty nice!

Would recommend? If you're looking for a heat-free alternative to get smooth hair, this may be your tool!

Price: $39.99

Where to buy: London Drugs

—Review by Covet and Acquire Beauty Editor Kirsten Harris