Weekend wardrobe: End-of-the-week ready in an H&M icons leather jacket and Joe Fresh slip-ons

H&M Icons leather jacket Vancouver fashion blogger Aleesha Harris
This week has been a long one. 

Don't get me wrong, there hasn't been any one instance that has made it worse than other weeks, but it has just felt like one, non-stop marathon week. 

And I'm tired ... tired of getting dressed up for work. I know I shouldn't say that as a fashion blogger ... but I guess I just did. 

So needless to say, I'm looking forward to slipping into my old familiar (no outfit planning required!) weekend wardrobe that looks just like this one — comfy jeans, a v-neck tee and my favourite leather jacket. Happy Friday, everyone!
What's your go-to look on the weekend?

Jacket: H&M | Tee and sneakers: Joe Fresh | Jeans: Old Navy | Sunglasses: Ray Ban | Bag: Loeffler Randall | Rings: Dear You Pretty Things, OhKuol | Nails: Kiss Gel nail stickers

H&M Icons leather jacket Vancouver fashion blogger Aleesha Harris exploring in Linden, Washington
Kiss Gel nail stickers, Dear You Pretty Things ring and OhKuol jewelry 
H&M Icons leather jacket Vancouver fashion blogger Aleesha Harris Covet and Acquire

H&M Icons leather jacket Vancouver fashion blogger Aleesha Harris Covet and Acquire

H&M Icons leather jacket Vancouver fashion blogger Aleesha Harris Covet and Acquire

Joe Fresh Camouflage shoes Covet and Acquire Vancouver

Loeffler Randall Rider bag Joe Fresh Camouflage shoes Covet and Acquire Vancouver